Berlioz Des Lutins D'Iris
Berlioz is exposed on systems WCF and TICA.
Berlioz have got tityls: RW SGC(TICA) Berlioz Des Lutins D'Iris Gr.Int.Ch(WCF)
Berlioz is the first cat of Sacred Birman in Russia,having got the title SGC on system TICA.
And also Berlioz is the first cat of Sacred Birman in Russia,having got RW kitten on system TICA.
Berlioz is 5 th Best Cat TICA Russia awards 2007 - 2008.
Berlioz is 5 th Best birman World 2007 - 2008 and Best seal point birman of the year.
17 may 2008,Moscow "Grand" WCF
Judge:Anna Nazarov (Russia)- CACE Ex1
12-13 april 2008 ,St.Petersburg ,WorldCat Show WCF
Judge: I.Plepis - CAGCIB Ex1
Judge: Klaas v.d. Wijk - CAGCIB Ex1
5-6 april 2008 ,Moscow FIFE
Judge: Martin Kabina (CH) CAC Ex1
Judge: Waltraut Sattler (Germany) CACIB Ex1
Berlioz and Martin Kabina
Berlioz and Martin Kabina
15-16 september 2007 ã.,Moscow "Imperial Cat Club" TICA,10 rings
Class of adults.
Berlioz had 9 finals from 10.
On results of two days Berlioz became First.
Best of Best
Berlioz has closed tityl SGC
Massimo Picardello(Italy) - 3 LH;1 AB
Connie Webb(USA) - 2 AB;3 LH
Vija Klucniece(Latvia) - 3 AB;4 LH
Monika Dany(Austria) - 2 LH;1 AB
Yukimasa Hattori(Japan) - 5 LH
Berlioz and Monika Dany(Austria)
Berlioz and Connie Webb (USA)
Berlioz and Massimo Picardello(Italy)
Berlioz and Yukimasa Hattori(Japan)
Berlioz and Yukimasa Hattori(Japan)
Berlioz and Vija Klucniece(Latvia)
Berlioz and Vija Klucniece(Latvia)
15-16 september 2007 ã.,Moscow ,"Show Licensing2007" WCF
Judge:Kurt Vlach (Germany) - CACIB Ex1 NOM
Judge:Olga Boem (Russia) - CAGCIB Ex1 NOM
Berlioz and Olga Boem
Berlioz and Kurt Vlach
2-3 june 2007 ã.,Moscow "Flower Alliance 2007 TICA,10 rings
Class of adults.
Berlioz had 8 finals from 10.
On results of two days Berlioz became 4th.Having lost for all 3 th to place of 50 points.
Berlioz has closed tityl QGC
Pascal Remy(France)
Pamela Barrett (USA) - 7;4 (AB)
Aline Noel (Canada) - 7;5 (AB)
Genevieve Basquine (France) - 8;6 (AB)
Àrtyom Savin (Russia) - 8;6 (ÀÂ)
Berlioz and Pascal Remy(France)
Berlioz and Pascal Remy(France)
Berlioz and Genevieve Basquine (France)
Berlioz and Genevieve Basquine (France)
Berlioz and Àrtyom Savin (Russia)
Berlioz and Àrtyom Savin (Russia)
Berlioz and Aline Noel (Canada)
Berlioz and Aline Noel (Canada)
Berlioz and Pamela Barrett (USA)
Berlioz and Pamela Barrett (USA)
19-20 ìày 2007ã.,Moscow WCF
Class Chempions
Judge: Karine Zielinski(France) - CACIB Ex1 NOM BIS
Judge:Ann Rydakova (Russia) - CACIB Ex1
Master Ring WCF - 4 th
Berlioz and Karine Zielinski(France)
Berlioz and Karine Zielinski(France)
Berlioz and A.Rydakova (Russia)
Master Ring.Berlioz and A.Rydakova (Russia)
7 - 8 àpril 2007 ã.,Moscow WCF and FIFE
7 àpril.
Class of adults.
Judge:Òatiana Dyachuk (Ukraine)J.Gradkowski (Poland) - ÑÀÑ Ex1 NOM BIS
Best.Op.Sex Cat
Berlioz has received tityl Chempion
Judge: Mr.Ireneusz Pruchniak(Poland) - ÑÀÑ Ex1
Berlioz and Òatiana Dyachuk (Ukraine)
Berlioz and Òatiana Dyachuk (Ukraine)
Berlioz and Òatiana Dyachuk (Ukraine)
Berlioz è Mr.Ireneusz Pruchniak(Poland)
31 march - 01 april 2007 ã.,Moscow WCF "Astra" WCF
Class of adults
Judges:Galina Batkova (Russia);Òatiana Dyachuk (Ukraine).
Galina Batkova (Russia) - ÑÀÑ Ex1 NOM BIS
Òatiana Dyachuk (Ukraine) - ÑÀÑ Ex1
WCF ring - 1 th
Best of Best - 3 th
Berlioz and Galina Batkova (Russia)
Berlioz and Òatiana Dyachuk (Ukraine)
WCF ring Berlioz and Galina Batkova (Russia)
3-4 march 2007;Moscow."Golden domes" Show TICA(4 rings)
Class of adults
Berlioz had 2 finals.
Judges:Marylou Anderson(USA),Massimo Picardello(Italy).
Massimo Picardello(Italy) Best AB 6th ;8th.
Berlioz has received a title the Champion.
And has opened Grand Chempion.
Berlioz and Massimo Picardello(Italy)
Berlioz and Massimo Picardello(Italy)
Berlioz and Massimo Picardello(Italy)
Berlioz and Marylou Anderson(USA).
Berlioz and Marylou Anderson(USA).
16-17 december 2006;Moscow."Snow Alliance" Show TICA(12 rings)
class kittens
Berlioz had all ftnals. 12 finals from 12.
Pascal Remy(France) Best kitten LH 4th; 4 th.
Vlada Beninya (Russia) Best kitten LH 2th ; 1th.
Thomas Andersen (Denmark) Best kitten LH 4th ; 2th.
Massimo Picardello(Italy) Best kitten AB 4th ;8th.
Connie Webb (USA) Best kitten AB 9th ; 2th.
Anna Nazarova (Russia) Best kitten AB 3th ; 4th.
1 day Best of Best 3th.
2 day Best of Best 3th.
On rusults of 2 days of an exhibition Best of Best 2th.
Berlioz and Pascal Remy(France)
Berlioz and Vlada Beninya(Russia)
Berlioz and Vlada Beninya(Russia)
Berlioz and Thomas Andersen (Denmark)
Berlioz and Massimo Picardello(Italy)
Berlioz and Massimo Picardello(Italy)
Berlioz and Connie Webb (USA)
Berlioz and Anna Nazarova (Russia)
2-3 december 2006; Moscow.Exhibition on WCF
class junior,breeder L.Yacenko.
J.Gradkowski (Poland) - Ex1 NOM BIS
I.Gorinova (Russia) - Ex1 NOM BIS
Berlioz has received magnificent estimations and excellent responses judges.
Berlioz and I.Gorinova.
Berlioz and J.Gradkowski.
30-1 october 2006ã. Chartres(Ôðàíöèÿ)
3/6 mois br.N.Lacherade
Best in Show
Best Variete
Madam N.Lacherade and Berlioz
24 september 2006ã. Clermont - Ferrand (France).Exhibition on TICA
3/6 mois br.N.Lacherade
Best AB
Berlioz it has started to be exposed at exibitions when veins in France of madam N.Lacherade.